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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates

March 12, 2020

It is with great disappointment that I am announcing that HCCA’s 24th annual Compliance Institute (CI), scheduled for March 29 – April 1 in Nashville, TN, is being cancelled and replaced with a virtual conference.

The continued growth of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has resulted in numerous organizations implementing travel bans for their employees as well as new advisories from CDC and WHO. These factors, along with an abundance of caution and concern for everyone’s health as the number of cases in the United States rises, is what led to this difficult decision.

Details on the virtual conference are still being finalized and will be announced on Wednesday, March 18. The number of sessions and tracks is still being determined, but the dates will be March 30 – April 1, so please keep the time blocked off on your calendar.

Updates will be emailed to registered attendee and will be  posted on the CI website.

Rooms booked at the Gaylord Hotel under the CI room block: the Gaylord has informed us they will automatically cancel your reservation on Friday March 13.

Anyone planning to take one of the Compliance Certification Board (CCB) certification exams on April 1 will receive a separate communication from CCB in connection with refunding or rescheduling your examination.

I hope this crisis ends soon. In the meantime, be safe and practice all of the guidelines that your local officials suggest to contain this virus. I hope to see all of you soon.

Best wishes,

Gerry Zack


March 11, 2020

At this time, the 2020 Compliance Institute conference is proceeding as planned.   

To the extent that we cancel the event, the conference page will be updated and registered attendees, speakers, sponsors, and exhibitors would be notified by e-mail.
We are actively following updates from the World Health Organization (WHO) and
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) surrounding COVID-19 as the safety and health of speakers, attendees and exhibitors is our top priority.

HCCA is working with the conference venue to take extra safety precautions, as needed. 

March 10, 2020

March 6, 2020

At this moment the World Health Organization (WHO) and US Health Authorities do not consider the situation regarding the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) a public health emergency in the United States. There is no negative travel advice to visit Nashville and therefore HCCA’s 24th Annual Compliance Institute is Nashville, will proceed as scheduled.

We are actively following updates from the World Health Organization (WHO).  For the latest updates you can check the situation reports by the World Health Organization.

The safety and health of our attendees is our top priority, and to that end, we will institute numerous safety measures and guidelines in accordance with recommendations from the WHO and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to ensure everyone’s health and wellbeing as detailed below.

We also ask that anyone planning to attend that believes they may have been exposed to the Coronavirus in other travels, or who is not feeling well, to refrain from joining us this year for the safety of other attendees.

As of today, we do not have any registered participants from the countries where travel has been restricted which include China, South Korea, Iran, and the Lombardy region of Italy.

We will implement the following safety measures onsite at the Gaylord Opryland:


  • We will keep up-to-date information on our event websites pertaining to the status of the event, and precautions for attendees onsite
  • We will send email communications to registered event participants with any pertinent updates leading up to the event


  • We will provide plentiful sanitation stations onsite at the event with alcohol-based hand sanitizer, wipes and tissue.
  • We will provide signage onsite encouraging attendees to practice Respiratory Hygiene.
    • Covering your mouth and nose with a flexed elbow or tissue (not hands) when coughing or sneezing
    • Avoid touching your hands, nose, and mouth to avoid transferring germs from surfaces
  • Discard a used tissue immediately into a closed trash can
  • Wash your hands frequently with an alcohol-based sanitizer and/or soap and water.
  • Adopt a no-handshake policy at the event
  • We will regularly sanitize all surfaces through the event space and communicate with the venues to do the same
  • We will be sanitizing speaker microphones between each speaker’s use

We Ask Attendees To:

  • Adopt a no-handshake policy at the event
  • Wash hands frequently
  • Cough or sneeze into elbows only
  • Stay home if they are sick or experiencing any cold/flu-like symptoms for their own safety and the safety of others
  • Seek medical care right away and alert our staff at registration should they begin to experience cold or flu-like symptoms (fever, cough, trouble breathing) onsite.  We will have local medical care contact information available for all attendees and can assist any attendee with transportation to a local clinic.

We will continue to regularly check the latest official information leading up to the event and encourage our conference participants to do the same.