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2019 Compliance Institute Session Recordings

Sunday, 8:45–10:15 am

P1: HIPAA Privacy Officer 101
P2: Compliance Challenges for Advanced Practice Providers
P3: False Claims Act Developments Part 1
P4: Leveraging Your Compliance Committee: Practical Approaches to Maximize Your Compliance Committee’s Role, Overall Effectiveness, and Value to the Organization
P5: Auditing & Monitoring for Health Insurers
P6: Beyond the Elements: Operationalizing Compliance
P7: Compliance 2.0
P8: Capture the Big Picture! Design a Risk Assessment Framework that Accurately Depicts Your Risk Landscape
P9: Investigations Workshop
P10: Compliance Program Start Up: What Are the Basics Needed for Your Infrastructure?
P11: Ethics 101 from Theory to Application: What Would Kant Think About Tarantino Flix?

Sunday, 10:30 am–12:00 pm

P12: Incident Response: Best Practices in Breach Management
P13: Size Does Not Matter: How Any Physician Practice—Small or Large—Spots a Compliance Issue
P14: False Claims Act Developments Part 2
P15 Overcoming Management Pushback to Achieve Compliance
P16: The Intricate Journey of Auditing and Monitoring Clinical Contractual Agreements
P17: Developing Your Hospice Compliance Risk Assessment
P18: What Big Data Reveals about Compliance Adherence and How to Launch and Sustain a Compliance-Driven Culture Built On Foundational Components that Reward Conformity, Enhance Productivity and Deliver Cost Savings Across an Organization
P19: Increasing Compliance and Reducing Risk Through Information Governance Practices
P20: Physician Compliance and Risk Assessment: A Two-Year, Performance Improvement Continuing Medical Education Model to Improve Quality and Compliance
P21: Compliance Program, Program Integrity, and Fraud, Waste, and Abuse—Where Does It All Fit? A Lesson in Marrying the Compliance Program, Program Integrity, and a Fraud, Waste, and Abuse (FWA) Prevention Program and Making it Work!
P22: Recent and Emerging Issues Related to Clinical Laboratory Testing and How to Prevent Them

Sunday, 1:30–3:00 pm

P23: An Effective Privacy Program Built Through Strategic Vision and Leadership Support
P24: Student Documentation: The Good, Bad, and Ugly
P25: Viewing Investigations from a Different Angle: Understanding the Varying Perspectives of Counsel, Compliance Officer and Prosecutor to Improve Your Internal Investigation Process
P26: Integrating Compliance Departments in Mergers
P27: Auditing Clinical Trial Billing: A Real-World Approach
P28: Actively Assess and Audit Your Post-Acute Service Lines
P29: Smooth Sailing into Joint Venture Compliance: Providers, Payers and Vendors Are Aligning by Forming Joint Ventures, but Rough Seas Await Anyone Not Aware of Important OIG Caveats—Learn Best Practices for Smooth Sailing Into OIG’s Safe Harbors
P30: Risk Assessments: Building Your Risk Program, Developing Partnerships, and Mitigating Risk
P31: Population Health, Quality and Compliance: A Look at the Process
P32: Research Compliance for the Hospital Compliance Officer
P33: Three CIA Provisions that Will Enhance Your Compliance Program

Sunday, 3:15–4:45 pm

P34: The Art of Conducting Effective HIPAA Privacy Intake and Investigative Interviews
P35: Telehealth Contracting for Compliance Officers: Core Concepts, Best Practices and Tips
P36: Whistleblowers: Who Are They, Why Do They Blow the Whistle, and Managing the Risk
P37: Who’s On First? Applying Learnings from Abbott and Costello to Achieve Healthcare Compliance Effectiveness
P38: A System-wide Approach to 340B Compliance in a Multi-state Integrated Health System
P39: From Volume to Value in Post Acute Care: Your New Compliance Data Points
P40: Compliance Program Operations vs Conducting a Complex Investigation
P41: The Risks and Benefits of Healthcare Consolidation on Innovation and Clinical Research in Health Systems and Hospitals, Conducting Due Diligence and the Compliance Risk Mitigation Strategies to Help You Sleep at Night
P42: The Quality-Compliance Collaborative in FQHCs Illustrating the Evolving Model for American Healthcare
P43: Examining the Foundational Features of a Patient Protection-Driven Compliance Program
P44: Next Generation Compliance: How Metrics Should Drive Your Compliance and Ethics Program


Monday, 10:00–11:00 am

101: Office for Civil Rights: HIPAA Update & Enforcement
102: Physician Engagement: How to Develop a Physician Champion Program
103: Ask the Stark Law Professionals
104: The Seven Habits of an Effective Compliance and Ethics Professional
105: Beyond Auditing and Monitoring and Towards Quality Improvement
106: Will CMS Turn Down the Volume? Patient-Driven Payment Model (PDPM) and the Effort to Replace RUGs
107: Mergers & Acquisitions During a Time of Healthcare Transformation: Whether Managed Care, Provider, or Ancillary Services—Compliance Professional Considerations to Support Expansion of Your Business Model
108: Surviving the Compliance Storm: Beyond a Risk Assessment—Partnering with the C-Suite to Develop an Enterprise Risk Management System
109: Healthcare Compliance Auditing for Zones of Risk
110: Conducting a Behavioral Health Risk Assessment
111: Compliance Culture Case Studies
112: Due Diligence for Acquisition and Partnerships: What to Consider When Bringing a Small Private Practice Into a Large Health System or Academic Medical Center (NOT RECORDED)
113: ACO Compliance Program Implementation When You Are Not All In the Same Family
114: Blockchains Technology: Move Fast and Break Things Reconsidered
115: OIG Compliance Monitoring: Practitioner and Small Business Integrity Agreements


Monday, 11:30 am–12:30 pm

"201: Anatomy of an Attack: Key Security Trends"
202: Lessons Learned From Teaching a Provider Documentation Remediation Course
203: Fraud and Abuse Laws 101 & OIG’s Role
204: When Compliance Isn’t the Only Hat You Wear: The Art of Allocation of Time and Resources While Maintaining an Effective Compliance Program
205: Data Analytics and Risk-Based Methodologies in Refreshing Revenue Compliance Auditing & Monitoring
206: Long-Term Care Requirements of Participation Compliance Responsibilities
207 Navigating the Changing Regulatory and Enforcement Landscape Relating to Opioids
208 Risk Assessment Workshop: Are You Assessing All Your Risks? Learn How to Design an All-Encompassing Risk Assessment Framework
209 You Don’t Know What You Have Until It’s Gone, and Then It Is Too Late: The Benefits of a Data Management Audit
210: Navigating Behavioral Health Risks and Confidentiality Tough Spots
211: A Compliance Case Study from the Trenches with Current and Former DOJ Prosecutors
212: What Do Carnegie Hall and Good Security Incident Response Plans Have in Common: To Get There You Have to Practice, Practice, Practice! (NOT RECORDED)
213: Communicating with Your Audit and Compliance Committee from Both a Compliance Officer’s and Board Member’s Perspective
214: Compliance at the Point of Sale
215: OIG Developments 2019


Monday, 2:00–3:00 pm

301: Data Protection, Privacy, and Security in the Healthcare Industry Year in Review: State Enforcement Focus Areas in 2018 and Outlook for 2019
302: Is Your Practice a Government Target?
303: Hidden Treasure or Hidden Kickback? If It Looks too Good to Be True, It Might Be an Anti-Kickback/Stark Violation
304: How Bias and Perception Impact Compliance
305: Facing an Extrapolation? Steps for Checking the Statistical Approach
306: Creating a Compliance Plan in the New Post-Acute World
307: Independent Investigations: The Compliance Role
308: HHS Cybersecurity Top Threats and Best Practices
309: Hidden Risk Area: Patient Grievances—Are You Prepared for a Survey?
310: You Can Lead a Horse to Water and You Can Make It Drink: The Role of the Work-Plan In Developing and Implementing POCs in Behavioral Health
311: Year One of a Compliance Journey: A First Year Under a CIA: Tips to Prepare for and Implement Best Practices for Your CIA
312: Making Compliance Education Your First Defense (NOT RECORDED)
313: Somewhere Beyond the OIG: Discussion of Exclusion Checks
314: How the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid’s Targeted Probe and Educate (TPE) program Can Support Your Organization’s Compliance Program
315: Women in Cybersecurity: Shattering the Career Mystique


Tuesday, 9:45–10:45 am

401: GDPR Update: Privacy Across the Pond
402: HCCs and Providers: Get Paid for What You Do
403: The Relationship Between Lawyers and Their Healthcare Clients: A Perspective from Both Sides of the Equation
404: Frankly Speaking
405: Drip Drop: Infusion Auditing Made Simple
406: Compliance’s New Role in the Survey Process
407: Culture Is King: Strategies for Developing and Maintaining a Culture of Ethics and Compliance
408: Effective Risk Management in Medicare Compliance: How to Detect, Prevent, and Correct Issues
409: Top Cyber-Risks to Include in Your Audit Plan-Update
410: EMTALA and Behavioral Health: Myths, Mired Down, and Making Sense of It All
"411: The Spyware Nightmare"
412: Compliance Engagement: How to Meet the Compliance Program of Your Dreams (NOT RECORDED)
413: Drug Diversion: A Multidisciplinary Approach
414: Working with Integrity: Taking the Right Path
415: Fraud and Abuse Regulation, Compliance, and Value-Based Purchasing: The Search for Greater Alignment


Tuesday, 11:15 am–12:15 pm

501: Data, Monitoring and the Culture of Privacy
502: Coding Experts and Attorneys: From the Trenches, a Collaborative Approach to Audit Response
503: Physician Relationships in the Academic Medical Center Context: Anti-Kickback and Stark Law Issues
504: Internal Investigations: Refining Your Interviewing Skills
505: Charge Master and Charge Management Risk: What Compliance Professionals Need to Know
506: Compliance for Hospice and Home Care
507: Everything Under The Sun(shine)
508: Protecting the Bottom-line: Defending Claims with Policies & Procedures
509: Effectively Managing Risk: The Intersection of Compliance, Enterprise Risk Management and Internal Audit
510: Internal Audit’s and Compliance’s Role in Addressing Enterprise Risk: Behavioral Health
511: Whistleblower’s Ethical Journey: A Real-Life Case Study on the Discovery of Fraud, Investigative Success, the $2.3 Million Payback, and the Retaliatory Consequences of Reporting Wrongdoing
512 Next Generation Compliance Program: Moving from Mitigation to Strategy! (NOT RECORDED)
513: The State of Exclusions and OIG Enforcement Actions
514: Labs, Recovery Homes, and Treatment Centers, Oh My! Follow Us Down the EKRA Brick Road
515: Compliant Billing for Inpatient Rehab: How to Avoid Documentation Perils


Tuesday, 1:30–2:30 pm

601: HIPAA Privacy and Social Media: How to Create a Culture of Confidentiality
602: Can’t We All Just Get Along? Physician Satisfaction and Compliance Are Not Mutually Exclusive In Physician Arrangements
603: Selling and Buying the Brooklyn Bridge: Lessons Learned from M&A Due Diligence
604: Hands On Keys Computer Lab: Computer Tips, Tricks, and Internet Hacks to Make You a More Efficient and Effective Compliance Professional
605: The Fifth Element of an Effective Compliance Program: Monitoring, Auditing, and Internal Reporting Systems
606: Experimental Drugs, Marijuana, and Complementary Medication Use in Long-Term Care Settings: Risks and Best Practices
607: When the Patient Is Biased: The Intersection of Compliance, Inclusion, and Culture
608: Real-World Strategies for Identifying, Measuring, and Reporting Risk
609: Teaming Together: How Compliance Can Work with the Evolving Role of Internal Audit
610: Navigating Privacy Requirements When Integrating Mental Health, Substance Use Disorder and Primary Care Services
"611: Theranos Case Study: What Went Wrong?"
612: Cultures of Integrity: We Know What They Are and What They Should Look Like, But How Do We Get There? (NOT RECORDED)
613: Telehealth or TeleHELL? Understanding the Complexities of Telehealth Beyond the Initial Set Up
614: The #MeToo Movement: What Compliance Officers Should Know and How to Be Prepared
615: Patient Incentives or Inducements? Avoiding Pitfalls and Managing Risks


Tuesday, 3:00–4:00 pm

701: Cutting Through the Noise: Determining Whether Your Vendor’s Security Incident Is a Breach
702: Physician Practice Enforcement Actions: Could You Be Next Year’s News?
703: Criminal and Civil Liability for Overpayments
704: Five Strategies to Create Compliance Allies
705: The Compliance Professional’s Approach to Auditing Rehabilitation Services
706: M&A Transactions in Home Health and Hospice: Compliance and Due Diligence—How Do I Get This Right?
707: Tales from the Trenches: An Inside Look at How Different Organizations Account for and Meet the Challenges of MACRA
708: Risk Management & Internal Investigations
709: Home Health Agency: Audit Strategies and Common Red Flag Findings
710: Mental Health Parity: Managing Compliance Across Commercial, Medicaid, and Duals Products
711: Experiencing the Unimaginable: A Compliance Case Study of the Mass Shooting in Las Vegas
712: Health IT Risk Roundtable (NOT RECORDED)
713: EHR Documentation Risks and Internal and External Reviews
714: Statistical Sampling in Healthcare Audits and Investigations

715: Compliance Challenges and Tips for American Indians and Alaskan Natives (AI/AN)

Post Conference Sessions (Make Up Recorded Webinars)
W01 Privacy Officer Roundtable Part 1
W02 Compliant Physician Documentation in an Electronic World
W03 Managed Care Fraud: Enforcement and Compliance
W04 A Paradigm Shift in Persuasive Communication That Will Accelerate Your Advancement
W05 How Vendor Oversight Should Lead the Charge for Contracting with a New FDR
W06 Disaster Planning in Senior Living: HIPAA Still Matters
W07 Intersection of Quality and Regulatory Requirements in the Conditions of Participation and Beyond
W10 Investigational Device Exemption (IDE)...Device Coverage & Billing: Compliance Insights
W12 Developing Compliant Physician Compensation...Current Enforcement Environment
W13 Responding to Government Investigations and Compliance Matters
W16 Home Health and Hospice: Enforcement Trends and Compliance
W17 It's Time for a Revolution: Assessing the Effectiveness of Your Code of Conduct
W18 Only Take a Calculated Risk: Empowering…Enterprise Risk Management Program
W19 Can We Let Patients Starve Themselves to Death…at the End of Life
W20 Assess Your Provider-Based Clinics for Compliance... A Comprehensive Approach